Git Repo: Link

Deployed at: Link

This is an alternate frontend to the bible-api in which everything is generated prior and the whole site is served as static content.

The objective here is to provide a featureful and book like reading experience. Though the site is not as fast as Bible Web 1 (which is due to prefetching and fetching on hover) the site is still very fast, responsive and serves it’s purpose well.

Generation Process

The site uses mdbook, which is a static site generator written in rust by the rust team themselves. It is fast, minimal, extendable and featureful.

The problem is that mdbook requires each page to be typed out in their There are 1189 chapters in a standard bible and the UI serves four bibles (right now), which amounts to 4756 generated pages.

So, we used a python script, which fetches verses from the Bible API and constructs a tree. This tree is serialized to markdown files and mdbook then generates html and css for the generated markdown files. The script can be found here.


There are a total of 4758 pages and we hit limits on various stages.

  1. mdbook is not designed to write this many pages. It rerenders the whole book on a single thread with each change. This of course is problematic and so, the generated code and the generation scripts are at separate branches.
  2. mdbook running on GitLab CI, due to some unknown reason (probably memory/storage/cpu limitations), won’t generate any content on pages since the number of bibles reached 2. So, we moved everything to local build and hosting.
  3. GitLab has a limit on the size of the repo that can be hosted on Gitlab Pages. So, this is hosted on a linux server (which made the app load much faster).